Driven by competitive offers and financial uncertainty caused by the global pandemic, NJBEST saw a decline in the opening of new 529 college savings accounts. To reverse this trend, NJBEST had to establish new priorities and goals and re-think how to engage current and prospective clients as well as industry advocates.
Keeping New Jersey’s shift in household finances in mind, DX crafted a plan to reimagine NJBEST’s marketing funnel. Robust audience targeting in Programmatic & Social, responsive text ads in Search and GDN were used to generate awareness, re-target prospects based on-site actions and instant response lead gen forms actively captured hand-raisers. Site direct buys with local news/lifestyle and college savings content providers allowed for contextual relevance and high-impact creative to drive immediate action.
Most recently NJBEST has begun offering new tax and scholarship benefits. Combined with DX’s strategic marketing plan, NJBEST has seen a significant increase in YoY account opens.